
Working alongside icddr,b researchers and clinicians, students are offered the chance to learn from the experts, witness the generation of critical new evidence and knowledge, and to see low-cost interventions in action. Across the world, thousands of health professionals consider their time at icddr,b as formative to their career.

Each year about 300 national and international students from more than 30 national and international institutes are offered internship in Bangladesh alongside icddr,b researchers. In addition to internship in scientific division, students can complete their internship also in support services and management divisions (e.g. HR, Finance, Development and Communication, Training unit).


Internship Website 

Interns benefit from the rich experience icddr,b affords: a multi-disciplinary team of highly accomplished researchers, access to a ranges of field sites, modern laboratories and proximity to some of the most pressing and intractable public health challenges of our time.

- Former students Jessica Sayre and Samantha Tulenko share their experiences


If you are enrolled in an educational institution or have recently graduated, follow this link.