Home Research Research themes Enteric and respiratory infections

Enteric and respiratory infections

We are generating a better understanding of key disease-causing organisms and host immune responses, and developing and evaluating low-cost potentially scalable preventive and therapeutic interventions.

Programme lead

Dr Rubhana Raquib

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Our approach

Our work spans the full spectrum of research, from studies aiming to generate a better understanding of pathogenic organisms and the body’s responses to them, through the development and testing of new therapeutics and preventive interventions, and evaluation of the implementation of such interventions. 

We are also developing improved diagnostics for efficient and rapid detection of pathogens. In addition, we aim to ensure best use is made of available and affordable vaccines.


Our outstanding laboratory, clinical and population-based research capabilities enable us to make major contributions to the understanding of infectious disease epidemiology, immunology and microbial pathogenesis. 

We are internationally recognised for the quality of our research in cholera and other diarrhoeal diseases, including pioneering molecular-genetic studies of the cholera pathogen Vibrio cholerae.


Our work on microbial pathogenesis and host responses associated with protection makes an important contribution to new vaccine development. We are also working on new diagnostic tools for bacterial pathogens of public health importance.


We are evaluating multiple new and improved vaccines against viral and bacterial pathogens of public health importance, including influenza and cholera, generating evidence to inform local and international health policy-making.

We are also assessing a range of therapeutics and hygiene-based interventions for disease prevention.