Home Research Partners


We are committed to working with research and implementation partners in both the global North and South.

Scientific collaborators

Our researchers are highly networked, working with scientific collaborators across the world. We have well-established links with world-leading groups in the global North, including the USA, Europe and Australia. These connections provide us with access to the most up-to-date knowledge, expertise and research tools.

We also maintain strong links with groups in South Asia and other low- and middle-income countries. These links enable to us to tackle health challenges in which we have a common interest. They also enable us to pass on our knowledge and experience, and contribute to regional and global capacity building.

Implementing partners

We work closely with NGOs and other implementing partners in Bangladesh and internationally. These partnerships enable us to gain extra insight into the health challenges facing particular groups and populations. They also enable us to carry out research we might otherwise not be able to do, for by providing access to difficult-to-reach groups.

These links are mutually beneficial. Implementing partners can benefit from our knowledge and experience as they develop programmes. We can also help to evaluate programmes and shape their development.

Government partners

We maintain close connections with the Government of Bangladesh. These contacts provide us with insight into national health priorities. They also provide channels of communication to support the translation of our research into policy and practice.

Our evidence has had a major impact on many areas of health policy in Bangladesh. We hold frequent briefings for Government officials and have provided expert input into multiple policy-making processes. Government officials also benefit from many of our training activities.

Work with us

We are keen to establish new partnerships and collaborations, particularly with groups or organisations in the global South. If you would like to work with us, please contact the leads of our research programmes.

You can also email us at collaborations@icddrb.org